Social Enterprise Business Planning Course
The Social Enterprise Omagh Programme will be a running a new course entitled ‘Social Enterprise Business Planning ’ as part of the ongoing series of courses to assist social economy organisations within the Omagh District Council area.
This course is aimed at organisations, groups and individuals who are focused on increasing their knowledge and skills in developing and creating a sustainable successful Social Enterprise.
The course content will cover topics such as:
- Intelligent Leadership & the Entrepreneurial Spirit
- Marketing Your Social Enterprise
- Business Planning
- Best Practice Social Enterprise Presentation
- Principles of Project Management
- Group Working
To register your interest please contact Kevin McShane at Alternatively you can telephone Omagh District Council on 028 8224 5321 (ext 653)
Thursday 20 March
7:00pm to 9:30pm
Omagh Enterprise Centre
These events are part funded by Invest Northern Ireland and the European Regional Development Fund under the Sustainable Competitiveness Programme for Northern Ireland and the Department for Social Development.