VoIP Business Phones
If you’re running a small business, you are constantly on the lookout for win-win scenarios; if you are considering changing the way your business operates, you naturally want the end result to meet multiple objectives. For instance, if you are switching internet service providers, you might hope to get better performance and better customer service and get your hands on some new features and functions.
VoIP Business Phones
For many small businesses and startups big and small, trading in your traditional phone lines for Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) has proven to be a big win on multiple fronts: for one, VoIP has proven to offer small businesses a highly expandable business phone system, and two, the right VoIP provider can provide many small businesses with a bevy of features that the conventional phone outfits don’t provide, some of which can be monumental for sales and customer service teams for whom the premium VoIP services offer call data and customer information directly integrated into the system.
Naturally, the costs and number of features will vary significantly depending on the provider you use, and there are a wide variety of VoIP options out there that can cater to your specific needs, whether you need to make a couple calls a week or outfit your entire office with state-of-the-art communications gadgetry that will enable you to turn your company’s phone service into a powerful tool for generating leads and revenue.
Those types of services have proven to be wonderful for families looking to bid adieu to their phone company for good, but they are only reliable for low-volume calls, and don’t necessarily provide the upgraded features that many companies need.
But businesses can also get the win-win out of internet telephony phenomenon by utilizing one of many services that cater directly towards high and medium volume calling needs. Hosted VoIP systems are the right fit for many small businesses, as most can accommodate multiple lines while minimizing the hassle, as hosted VoIP services take care of all the hardware and server needs off-site. All you generally need to do is install the software and you’re ready to go.
Before Making the Leap…
As with any business decision, there are a number of factors that need to be weighed before making the leap into the realm of VoIP. These include:
- Internet bandwidth – In order for your VoIP service to be reliable, your internet connection must be dependable; if you lose internet service, your phone lines will also be down. And the speed of your broadband connection will determine which level of service you can manage. The basic VoIP options for personal use only require a connection of a couple mbps, while a larger office using multiple lines will want to have a super-fast, high-speed connection. Large hosted VoIP providers will often offer the data connection themselves to simplify your management and guarantee call quality and reliability.
- Voice quality – At the lower levels, VoIP services can be erratic when it comes to voice quality, as voice traffic gets mixed in with other data transfers and the occasional loss of voice quality can occur. However, with professional-grade hosted-VoIP solutions, voice data is prioritized over other data, and call quality can be guaranteed.
- Security – As with any batch of data being transmitted over the Internet, security is an issue when it comes to VoIP. For businesses that want to maximize their security, however, secure firewall options are in place to make sure that no eavesdroppers can access the content of your voice calls.
So, as you can see, premium VoIP services are a win-win-win for any company because of added internet bandwidth, increased voice quality, and enhanced security. Keep these features in mind when you are researching your VoIP.
Source: smallbusinesscan.com