1988 – 25 Years of Omagh Enterprise
Check out the article below about Omagh Enterprise Company that featured in the Ulster Herald 25 years ago. The Company has come along way since then as we managed 65,000 square feet of workspace and an additional 14,000 square feet Innovation Growth Centre, which opened 31st May this year.
It’s great to see how the Company has grown and developed over the past 25 years.
The new Omagh Business Complex, which was set up by the local Enterprise Company on the initiative of Omagh District Council, was officially opened by the chairman of the local Enterprise Development Unit, Mervyn Hadden.
Among the guests at the opening ceremony were representatives of the Department of Economic Development, Omagh District Council, the Omagh Enterprise Company and local clergy from the main churches, who joined together in an ecumenical blessing of the building.
Eugene Scallon, chairman of the Omagh Enterprise Company, said it was the earnest desire of the directors that the centre would become a major factor in promoting economic growth and in developing a dynamic new business culture for the benefit of all the people of the area.
Source: ulsterherald.com