Top 5 Personalisation Strategies For Small Businesses

A personalised shopping experience can play an instrumental role in boosting the conversions on websites. Since we all know that personal service is one of the biggest advantages of small businesses, rising above the noise to ensure that you’re heard and noticed can be challenging. Often the radius of marketing for small businesses is limited and this draws our focus on creating well-proven and standard strategies. Even though there are plenty of personalisation platforms that can assist in the purpose and make a difference but things may still not succeed in absence of good personalisation strategies.

Let us explore a few personalisation strategies that seem to work well with the small businesses.

Top 5 Personalisation Strategies for Small Businesses

Strategy 1# Display of prices

Small businesses can aim at increasing the number of sign ups with the display of prices alongside. You can also consider adding display for the prices in different currencies. For example, if you have recently added currency details for Hong Kong, chances are that you will see a noticeable increase in the subscriptions by users from Hong Kong. It simply indicates that you’re only recognizing the importance of your customers from other countries as well. Customers will feel valued which means they are likely to show interest.

Small businesses must remember that if a huge number of their customers are from abroad, incorporating the languages and local currencies into the website along with the sign up becomes mandatory. As a result, visitors will get encouraged for signing up and making purchases on your website.

Strategy 2# Research on preferences

If your website is selling gift items then merely placing the items that seem to be trendy may not help. Products to be sold should have an inclination towards the preferences of customers in terms of their style and taste. When shoppers open an account on your website, encourage them to take a survey. This will help you in knowing everything about their personal preferences and what they have actually been looking for. You can then focus on setting up a personalised set of choices all in one place for customers with similar preferences.

You can also provide them expert assistance and get rid of all the automated nonsense and set up a live chat for a personalised assistance. This will speed up the number of purchases people make on your site as decision taking will become easier with a reliable source in the form of an exclusive service being offered to them. This would also help in establishing connection with customers; personalise their experience after analysing the results of the survey that helps you in finding out everything about their likes and dislikes.

Strategy 3# Sharing experiences and photos from customers

Experience of the customers can also be personalised by featuring them on your website. Ask them to share their experiences, feedback or opinion on your service or product. Encourage them to mail you the pictures, which can be featured on your website. Your website will benefit from word-of-mouth marketing and you can also be rewarded with repeat customers. Once you have made a huge base of loyal customers, you know you are already a brand! Coca Cola has made similar attempt by asking people to share their happiness stories and it helped them a lot to reinforce their market position.

Strategy 4# Personalised emails

Don’t hesitate in sending personalised mails about the opening of your new showroom, launch of a much awaited product, new offers, discounts, how you can help and whatever you feel would be of an interest to them. Send then personalised coupons from stores for which they have shown interest and narrated their preferences. Track their recent activity on their site and find out what can grab their attention so that you can tailor the new offers on your site accordingly. Be assured, your customers are going to appreciate it! I have tried this strategy for my website – and it helped me immensely to figure out which products are high in demand and which are not quite popular among targeted visitors.

Strategy 5# Regular & Personalised follow ups

Even when the purchase has been made, it still doesn’t put an end to your work. In fact, it begins from there – we mean to indicate a regular follow-up! Since a happy and satisfied customer is also your loyal customer in the long run, keeping a track of their experiences makes sense. Follow them up on the purchase in order to ensure complete satisfaction.

Remember, your existing customers can bring you a lot of traffic and business through recommendations (word-of-mouth marketing). It’s advisable to hire someone for a personal follow-up so that you may not have to worry about collaborating with customers all by yourself. You can then focus on other equally important tasks.

Personalisation has to be at the core of your business. Don’t underestimate the value of ‘thank you’ emails or messages. Thank your customers from time to time and they are likely to return for more similar experiences, which should get better with time!


About Simmon Pierre

Simmon Pierre is a passionate blogger and social media addict. After high school Simmon decided to explore the world of online marketing and for that reason he joined in an IT company. Currently he is managing marketing activities of
