- health and safety and the work that they do
- how risks are controlled
- the best ways of providing information and training
Consultation is a two-way process, allowing staff to raise concerns and influence decisions on the management of health and safety. Your employees are often the best people to understand the risks in the workplace and involving them in making decisions shows them that you take their health and safety seriously.
In a very small business, you may choose to consult employees directly. Alternatively, you might consult your employees through a health and safety representative. This can be someone who has been chosen by their colleagues or selected by a trade union. As an employer, you cannot decide who will be the representative.
The benefits of involving employees in health and safety
Your employees influence health and safety through their own actions. They are often the best people to understand the risks in their workplace.
Talking, listening and co-operating can help to achieve benefits. Health and safety representatives can help you with workforce consultation arrangements.
Benefit from better worker involvement
Workplaces where employees play an active part in health and safety have lower accident rates. Collaboration with your employees helps you to manage health and safety in a practical way by:
- helping you spot workplace risks
- making sure health and safety controls are practical
- increasing the level of commitment to working in a safe and healthy way
In many cases this also leads to increased productivity, efficiency and quality.