How to Create Brand Recognition

The attitudes that consumers have towards brands today are very different to the attitudes of even one generation ago. Today, having a strong brand is more important than ever before. Consumers are not content to purchase a product simply because it “can do the job”. They identify strongly with the brands that they use, and demand the ability to communicate with, and feel a part of, those brands. In this post I outline some tips on how to create brand recognition.

How to Create Brand Recognition

To build a loyal consumer base, you must build brand recognition.  You can do this by positioning your products clearly within the market, and sending a consistent and clear message about what you want your brand to be.

A Brand is More Than a Logo

Your logo is the most recognizable part of your business, but it is not the entirety of your brand.  Your logo should be easily recognizable, unique, and easy to understand.  Try to pick a logo that conveys something about your business. If someone who knows nothing about your company cannot take an educated guess at what your company does based on the logo, then it is too abstract, and will not help you to build your brand.

Conveying Your Message

Your logo is a marketing aid, but plastering your logo on billboards and carrier bags is not the same as building your brand. To a consumer, your brand is whatever makes your company unique.  For example, if you run a garage, your brand could be:

  • The friendly local garage that you can trust to only recommend necessary repairs.
  • The efficient garage that specialises in ultra-fast maintenance and repairs.
  • The enthusiast garage that can source and fit the most obscure aftermarket parts.

Each of those brands attracts a different kind of consumer.  Some are price conscious but likely to be repeat customers, some will pay a premium because they want the work done fast, and others choose your garage over all others because they know that you have highly specialist knowledge.  Trying to cater to all of those customers would water down your brand.

Pick your target market, and focus your marketing efforts around them. Make your unique selling point the centrepiece of every advertisement, social media piece and mail-out that you do.  Repeat the message consistently, and over time it will start to sink in.

Joining Conversations

Social media should be a key part of your marketing strategy.  Even big companies are embracing social media and providing consumers with the chance to feel as though they are involved with decision making when it comes to the direction that their favourite products take.  This involvement may only be an illusion – especially when dealing with the bigger brands – but it is a realistic one, and it means that smaller companies simply cannot afford to appear aloof. No brand could survive without customers, and consumers know how much power they hold.

Take some time to talk to your customers.  Ask them what they like about your products, and what they dislike.  Thank them for their feedback, and then act on it.  It only takes a few minutes to log in to your social media accounts and scan them for comments.  There’s no excuse for ignoring your customers.
