Small businesses are called on to enter awards and have their efforts recognised

Small businesses which excel at corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been called on to enter the 2012 Business in the Community Awards for Excellence and have their efforts recognised.

Now in their fifteenth year, the awards are widely acknowledged as one of the most respected endorsements of responsible business.

Award categories

The awards are open to businesses of any size and comprise ten main award categories, including work experience, climate change and rural communities. There is also a specific category for businesses with fewer than 250 employees – the Small Company of the Year award.

Big Tick

Businesses that can prove their CSR programme has had a positive impact will receive a ‘Big Tick’ which is the nationally recognised logo that they can use on their websites, marketing materials and letterheads.

Other benefits

Business in the Community’s Awards for Excellence are a brilliant way of gaining the recognition for an approach to responsible business. Other benefits include:

  • support availablefrom Business in the Community throughout the application process to help with entries
  • a raised profilethrough national and regional press coverage for successful entries
  • successful entries are also used as examples of best practice by Business in the Community

You canĀ find out more about the awards and how to enter on the Business in the Community website.

The deadline for entries is 5 March 2012.


Business in the Community is also running a series of workshops nationwide until the end of January to help businesses measure the positive impact of their CSR activities and prepare for the awards.

Read more about the Awards for Excellence workshops on the Business in the Community website.
