Seminar: Twitter for Business

Speaker: Joanne Sweeney-Burke, Media Box
Date: Wednesday 7th December 2011
Venue: Omagh Enterprise Company
Time: 12:30 – 2:30pm

Who should attend?

  • Anyone who wants to learn more about the opportunities to be gained from Digital Marketing
  •  Those who want to add Twitter to their Digital Marketing activity

Why Twitter for Business?

 It is free and one of the most basic social media applications to use

  • It is much easier to spread a message in seconds than using a system that takes longer. You can reach out to millions of people in a matter of key clicks.
  • Over 200,000 people use Twitter in Ireland
  • It is who you know not what you know. Twitter has a super-advanced search that makes it easy to locate people who may help your business grow. Then those people will know people and so on. It is an endless cycle that is sure to increase your business. There are celebrities, politicians and business moguls like Donald Trump and Elton John.
  • Everything that happens is in real-time. Stories, news, rumors and ideas spread like wildfire faster than the speed of light.
  • It is the largest bridge of social media in the history of the world’s communication network.

About Joanna Sweeney-Burke

A PR & Media academic and professional Joanne Sweeney-Burke is also a graduate of Social Media Communications from the Public Relations Institute of Ireland.  A self-confessed social media nerd, Joanne both develops social media strategies for her own business and for client companies.  Joanne’s passion for communications comes to the fore in this course as she teaches you how to develop a social media strategy for your business or organisation or indeed for your own personal branding.  Joanne is also a candidate on this year’s The Apprentice on TV3.

What will the Seminar include?

  • Setting up a Twitter profile
  • Using Twitter for business
  • Using Twitter lists for Marketing
  • Linking Twitter with Facebook & LinkedIn
  • Best practice with practical examples
  • Using other twitter tools for marketing

How do I register?

Simply contact Sharon Tracey Collins on 028 8224 9494 or via email at

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