Omagh Enterprise Company to host Self-Employment Awareness Seminar on Tuesday 6th December 2011
Omagh Enterprise Company in conjunction with South West College and Omagh Jobs and Benefits Office are holding a self-employment awareness seminar on Tuesday 6th December from 10am to 12pm at Omagh Enterprise Company, Gortrush Industrial Estate, Great Northern Road, Omagh.
The prevailing economic conditions are proving challenging with unemployment increasing steadily across the region, however with challenge comes opportunity and self-employment is a great opportunity for people to use their skills and experience to set up their own business and work for themselves.
Self-employment is a viable career option; Omagh Enterprise Company and South West College have assisted 44 entrepreneurs to open new businesses since the Steps to Work Programme commenced in October 2008. The western region is among the most successful in terms of new business start–ups across the province.
This seminar seeks to harness the local support and advice available through the Steps to Work programme to assist local entrepreneurs in developing new businesses.
The seminar is designed to be informative and will include talks from local Steps to Work participants who have availed of the assistance of Omagh Enterprise Company to launch their businesses. In addition business mentors will be available to speak to you on a one-to-one basis about the opportunities available as well as how to set up a business through the Steps to Work programme. Jobs and Benefits Office staff will also be available to offer advice on the Employer Subsidy available if you wish to employ staff after Test-trading is completed.
Through the 26 week Test Trading strand of the Steps to Work programme opportunities exist to develop new business ideas and commence trading whilst your benefits remain unaffected. Why not come along and find out more about self- employment as an option for beating the recession.
Roseleen Molloy Project Officer at Omagh Enterprise Comany stated: “We are delighted to be able to host this seminar in conjunction with South West College and Omagh Jobs and Benefits Office. This seminar is an ideal opportunity for any individual who has thought about setting up a business. It will allow individuals to listen to previous clients of the Steps to Work Programme and ask questions about their journey into self-employment. Dedicated business advisers will also be in attendance to offer advice on what support is available to them and how to take the next step into self employment.
To book a place contact Anne-Marie Donaghy in South West College on 0845 603 1881 Ext: 5347.