Feel Inspired By Me Unltd Story
Me Unltd a Community Interest Company was founded in April 2009, by a dedicated Board of Directors whose aim was to inspire carers of children with learning disabilities, carers of sick and/or elderly relatives, young carers and anyone in a caring role.
The Company’s purpose was to assist its participants in believing that they have the right to create a fulfilling life for themselves and to provide carers with new and exciting opportunities in order to release their true potential and inner ambitions.
In order to vet the viability of this business venture primary market research was undertaken in a pilot programme which ran in the Fermanagh area to carers of children with learning disabilities. The Programme named ‘The Women’s Carers Project (WCP)’ was undertaken by Positive Futures, Lakeland Family Service from November 2007 to September 2008. The Project which was funded by Training for Women Network delivered 14 courses in total which concluded with 37 women completing a person centred plan including an individual training and employment needs assessment. This pilot enabled the Company to analyse the difference the programmes could make to those who participated on it.
After the resounding success of the pilot programme Me Unltd realised the need to segment this unrecognised group of individuals and work with them in increasing their overall wellbeing with the ultimate aim of getting the carers to an economic active state. Five main personal development programmes were created and delivered, namely: Its All About Me, Reach Me, More About Me, Tailor Me and Deliver Me.
An integral element which contributed to the success of the Programmes was the Give-a- Care Scheme which is still currently in operation. Give-a-Care involves an array of generous sponsors including health clubs, alternative therapists, image consultants, beauticians, dieticians, specialist’s counsellors, driving instructors and tutors who give their time and expertise free of charge to the participants of MeUnltd.
The Company has faced many challenges since their establishment in 2009, however the Mentoring Assistance received from the Social Entrepreneurship Programme, delivered by Omagh Enterprise Company has been integral to their growth. Expert advice and guidance has been provided in areas such as Marketing, Time Management, Tender Preparation and Website Development leaving the Company in an excellent position for growth and export sales.
Despite the challenges the Company has faced it now employs 1 full time member of staff and also generates work for a number of self employed trainers. The Company has worked tirelessly to accommodate and improve the lives of carers throughout Fermanagh, such efforts were recently recognised by the Social Economy Network who presented Me Unltd with the highly commended award in the Start-up Social Enterprise Category.
Me Unltd continues to work towards their vision which is to expand their target market, facilitate carers throughout the island of Ireland and become a best practice company throughout the UK and Border counties. Recent research has shown that carers who receive support from programmes offered by MeUnltd will be more likely to return to economic activity and have a healthier lifestyle – just rewards for a Company who simply started out believing that carers had the right to create a fulfilling life and reach their true potential.