Why Social Media?
Come and celebrate European SME Week 2011 in Omagh Enterprise Company
as part of the Innovation Enterprise Initiative
Friday 7th October 2011
12.30pm – 2.00pm
Joanne Sweeney-Burke, Media Box
Social Media is an absolute must these days. The truth is – if your business is not actively online it will get left behind. Recent research has revealed that 84.2% of all Irish Internet users used social networks in December 2010 and the average Irish person spends 18 hours and 7 minutes online each month.
This seminar will include
• Features of a Social Media Strategy
•The Social Media Landscape in Ireland
•Business Blogging
•Online Video/Audio
•Handling feedback, positive and negative
•Integrating a Social Media Use Policy into your organisation
•Generating Content / Campaigns
To register for the event contact Sharon Tracey-Collins on 028 8224 9494 or email sharon.tracey@omaghenterprise.co.uk
Refreshments will be served