Travel and learning opportunities for New & Pre Start businesses
The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) Programme offers potential (and recently established) start-ups the opportunity to learn practical business skills via a placement with an established business in another EU country.
Castlereagh Enterprises have funding available for 10 ‘New Entrepreneurs’ from across Northern Ireland to undertake placements outside the UK. Placements can last from 1 to 6 months and must be completed by the end of September 2012. Grants are available to help with associated travel, accomodation and subsistence costs. We will liase with intermediary organisations throughout Europe to identfiy suitable ‘Host Entrepreneurs’ and make the necessary arrangements.
Do you have start-up business and keen to take advantage of this opportunity? (New Entrepreneurs must have a firm intention to start a business OR have started trading within the last 3 years).
Would you be willing to share your skills, experience and know-how with new entrepreneurs from other EU states?
Please feel free to forward this email to appropriate contacts, for further information contact Sean on 028 90 557557 / email or visit /
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is an initiative of the European Union aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship and business cooperation in Europe.