Omagh Enterprise Company invites all SME’s to join us in Celebrating European Enterprise Week 2011

Omagh Enterprise Company will be hosting a number of seminars to celebrate European Enterprise Week and would like to invite all SME’s to join us.

The topcis covered will include:

  • Catalyzing Innovation
  • Growing your business during a recession
  • Cloud Computing
  • Why Social Media?

 Further details of the seminars are detailed below:

Date Time Event Presenter Location
Tuesday 4th October 12.30 – 2.00 Catalyzing InnovationInfinite People Solutions innovation workshop “Catalyzing Innovation”  provides your business with all the tools needed to kick-start and develop an innovation plan by assisting you to uncover:Develop the knowledge & skills required to innovate Brainstorm a myriad of potential solutions. Creatively explore innovation ideas.Analyse and select best options

Develop implementation plans, set tangible results with key deadlines


Ann Rodgers, Infinite Solutions Omagh Enterprise Company
Thursday 6th October 2.00 – 3.00 Growing your business during a recessionThe seminar will focus on key areas that all businesses need to address in order to survive through difficult economic times. The seminar is highly interactive, informative and practical.  Philip Bain Co-Founder and Director of Shredbank.  Omagh Enterprise Company
3.00 – 4.00 Cloud Computing –What can it offer my business and is it advantageous for my business now?  Sean McDermott, Loughtec Omagh Enterprise Company
Friday 7th October 12.30-2.00 Why Social Media?Features of a Social Media StrategyThe Social Media Landscape in Ireland

Facebook & Twitter marketing

Business Blogging

Online Video/Audio

Handling feedback, positive and negative

Integrating a Social Media Use Policy into your organisation

Generating Content / Campaigns

Joanne Sweeney-Burke, Media Box Omagh Enterprise Company

If you would like to book a place on any of these seminars please contact Sharon-Tracey-Collins on 028 8224 9494 or via email at