‘The Big Idea’ comes to South West College – Omagh
‘The Big Idea’, an innovative programme delivered by Advantage NI visited South West College this week to deliver a workshop aimed at helping young people develop their core skills and capabilities for enterprise and employability.
The young people were involved in a creative thinking workshop that used enterprise and employability skills to generate ideas which will have a positive impact on their community.
Through an interactive half-day workshop, students were encouraged to be creative, innovative and entrepreneurial. The workshop featured a fun and energetic exercise which allowed students to explore the innovation involved in product development. At the end of the session students used their entrepreneurial skills to generate an idea which will have a positive impact on their community, together with a workable proposal outlining the viability, sustainability and impact of this idea.
The young people then pitched their ideas to judges Roseleen Molloy Client Manager of the ‘Go for It’ Programme at Omagh Enterprise Company and Managing Director of Creative Media Marcus Isherwood.
Roseleen Molloy, Client Manager commented on the event: “I am delighted to be here today to engage with the young entrepreneurs of the future. This workshop has provided a unique opportunity for young people in the Omagh area to harness their creative and innovative thinking. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate everyone who took part in today’s workshop in particular a special mention must go to the winning group Portabella. I would like to wish them every success in their application to the EU Youth in Action programme.”
For further information on ‘The Big Idea’ visit advantage-ni.com