Opportunity to Up-skill or Re-skill Staff with DEL assisted funding
Do you feel the need to Up-skill staff to achieve a higher level qualification in a specific subject area or Re-skill staff in a new/specific subject area? If so, the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) can assist you, small to medium and medium to large sized enterprises, with funding. Funding is available on a first come first served basis to businesses. Opportunities for Up-skilling and Re-skilling staff are open to businesses from all sectors and all applications are welcomed. South West College would be the accredited provider of training unless the business can identify another accredited provider.
For further information or assistance please contact Anne Kelly, South West College on 028 8225 5223 or anne.kelly@swc.ac.uk. Alternatively you can contact the Skills Delivery Branch on 028 9090 5251 or skillsdeliverybranch@delni.gov.uk.